高级计划","1 天","1 周","2 周","1 个月","/cdn-cgi/image/metadata=/static/images/video_pp.webp","我们的数据中心高级代理服务
为您提供...","/static/svg/products-premium-10.svg","/static/svg/products-premium-11.svg","/static/svg/products-premium-12.svg","多达 40,000 个共享数据中心代理","/static/svg/products-premium-13.svg","/static/svg/products-premium-14.svg","24/7 正常运行时间监控/99.9% 正常运行时间","/static/svg/products-premium-15.svg","500 毫秒平均响应时间","/static/svg/products-premium-16.svg","PayPal 和信用卡交易 3 天退款保证","/static/svg/products-premium-17.svg","令人惊叹的共享数据中心代理,始终正常工作","/static/svg/products-premium-18.svg","易于使用的仪表板可管理代理服务器","/static/svg/products-premium-19.svg","8 个国家可用ProxyScrape premium","/static/svg/products-premium-20.svg","随时为您提供帮助的卓越支持","/static/svg/products-premium-8.svg","\n No More Slow, Broken\n
\n or Dead Proxies!\n ","\n So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all\n the\n benefits we've talked about here and more!\n ","\n 现在就开始吧\n ","\n 是的,我现在就要可靠的代理服务器!!!\n ","/static/svg/products-premium-9.svg","\n Access Shared Datacenter\n
\n Proxies That Always Work!\n ","\n Are you tired of free proxies that always die? Do you want proxies that work and are online\n whenever you need them? Then you should try ProxyScrape Premium!\n ","\n ProxyScrape Premium Datacenter proxies are the best proxies if you need a lot of fast,\n stable proxies for collecting data, web scraping and more, that don't quickly get\n blocked or\n banned\n ","\n 在价格上涨之前,赶紧行动吧!\n ","常见问题","什么是高级代理?","高级代理是位于全球各地的共享数据中心代理。","高级代理是否支持用户名:密码验证?","不,我们的高级代理不支持用户名:密码验证。这是因为我们根据验证设备的数量计费。","代理列表何时刷新?","高级代理列表不会刷新。如果您的代理很快就被禁止,建议购买更大的套餐。对于非常敏感的网站,我们建议使用轮换居住地代理。","高级代理是否在旋转?","不,我们的高级代理是静态的数据中心代理。如果您正在寻找旋转代理,请查看我们的住宅代理。","如果我的目标网站禁止使用代理服务器,会发生什么情况?","如果代理服务器在您的目标网站上被禁用,在禁用期间您将无法在该网站上使用代理服务器。我们建议您购买足够多的代理,以保证您的活动顺利进行,并考虑到封禁情况。","您会替换已死亡的代理吗?","我们的高级订阅不包含任何死亡代理。如果某些代理服务器被标记为离线,您可以放心,我们的全天候监控团队正在努力让它们尽快恢复在线。如果您长时间遇到代理服务器问题,请随时联系我们的支持团队","高级代理的速度有多快?","我们的代理平均响应时间为 375 毫秒。","高级代理是最好的代理类型吗?","如果您需要大量快速、稳定的代理服务器来搜索不会被快速封禁的网站,那么高级代理服务器就是最好的代理服务器。","我可以更改代理列表吗?","您只能通过升级账户来更改代理列表。如果您的代理从一开始就不能正常工作,我们建议您尽快联系我们的支持人员,以便我们排除故障。我们可能会建议您免费更换其他代理类型的套餐。如果您的代理服务器因您主动使用而被禁用,我们不会提供任何代理服务器更换服务,并建议您将账户升级到更大的套餐以防止被禁用。","高级代理是 IPv4 还是 IPv6?","我们网站上的所有代理服务器均为 IPv4。目前,我们还没有任何支持 IPv6 的计划。","您有特定城市的代理吗?","目前还没有特定城市的代理。如果您正在寻找特定城市的代理,请告知我们的支持人员,以便我们将其添加到未来的路线图中。","高级计划是否自动续费?","如果账户是通过 PayPal 或信用卡购买的,订阅将自动续订,并可通过仪表板取消。在其他情况下,您必须通过仪表板手动续订。","你们是否提供可以使用代理的软件?","不,我们不提供使用代理服务器的软件,用户应在购买代理服务器之前准备好使用的软件。如果您正在寻找一个代理检查器来测试您设备上的代理,我们推荐您使用Unfx 代理检查器。"," ProxyScrape premium 有 API 吗?","是的,我们提供 API 来下载您的代理列表和验证您的 IP。请查看我们的API 文档。","Does Socks5 support UDP?","Yes our Socks5 datacenter proxies support UDP.","\n 立即获取快速数据中心代理!\n ","\n If you want to have fast, reliable, shared datacenter proxies that always work with unlimited\n
\n bandwidth, concurrent connections, and access to up to 40 000 HTTP/s and Socks4/5 proxies...\n
\n then Premium Proxies is definitely for you.\n ","\n \n Yes, I Want It Premium!\n \n \n Pricing\n \n ","/static/svg/shield.svg","\n Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server\n
\n Your information is protected\n ","万事达卡","/static/svg/mastercard.svg","支付宝","/static/svg/paypal.svg","比特币","/static/svg/bitcoin.svg","民族","/static/svg/eth.svg","/static/svg/alipay.svg","天造地设","/static/svg/ideal.svg","银联","/static/svg/unionpay.svg","莱特币","/static/svg/litecoin.svg","到","/static/svg/sofort.svg","eps","/static/svg/eps.svg","pay24","/static/svg/pay24.svg","光proxyscrape 徽标","https://proxyscrape.com/static/light_text_logo.svg","需要代理帮助或
希望提供帮助?以下是您的选择:","Crunchbase","关于我们","感谢大家的大力支持!","快速链接","联属会员计划","ProxyScrape 高级试用","代理类型","代理国家","代理用例","重要","Cookie 政策","免责声明","隐私政策","条款和条件","社交媒体","在 Facebook 上","LinkedIn","推特","Quora","电报","不和谐音","\n © Copyright 2024 -Thib BV| Brugstraat 18 | 2812 Mechelen | Belgium | VAT BE 0749 716 760\n"]}
We want you to make the perfect proxy choice, so we have listed a few scenarios when ProxyScrape premium could be the ideal fit for you:
定价We here at ProxyScrape are dedicated to giving you fast, reliable proxies while providing the best possible support.
We provide high-quality, reliable proxies. This ensures that you do not get banned from your target website, and as a result, you can efficiently scrape the data you need.
Every minute you wait is another minute with slow, unreliable proxies
Everything you need for fast, stable proxies to scrape websites that don't quickly ban.
是的,我想获得快速数据中心代理!When all is said and done, my guess is you really just want fast, reliable proxies, unlimited bandwidth, proxies that always work, and access to up to 40 000 HTTP/s and Socks4/5 datacenter proxies. Yes?
如果这听起来像您和您的情况,那么ProxyScrape Premium 就是为您准备的!
ProxyScrape Premium has an amazing monitoring team on stand-by that solves any network problem that may happen to ensure you get the best possible proxy quality 24/7.
We're dedicated to providing you with the best user experiences, giving you fast, reliable proxies while delivering the best possible support.
ProxyScrape 提供每周 7 天每天 24 小时的即时聊天支持,在您需要时回答任何问题。
我们拥有一个由 1500 多个 C 类子网组成的多样化网络,以确保在目标禁止整个子网的情况下,您的工作不会停止。
ProxyScrape 我们每月处理的数据量超过 20 PB,您可以放心,我们提供的无限带宽一定能满足您的流量需求!
多个 ASN 可确保您的目标网站不会阻止您的所有代理服务器,以防其中一个代理服务器被禁用,您可以继续正常工作。
We want you to make the perfect proxy choice, so we have listed a few scenarios when ProxyScrape premium could be the ideal fit for you:
定价So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more!
是的,我现在就要可靠的代理服务器!!!Are you tired of free proxies that always die? Do you want proxies that work and are online whenever you need them? Then you should try ProxyScrape Premium!
ProxyScrape Premium Datacenter proxies are the best proxies if you need a lot of fast, stable proxies for collecting data, web scraping and more, that don't quickly get blocked or banned
If you want to have fast, reliable, shared datacenter proxies that always work with unlimited
bandwidth, concurrent connections, and access to up to 40 000 HTTP/s and Socks4/5 proxies...
then Premium Proxies is definitely for you.
Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server
Your information is protected